
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Wisconsin Wanderlust

Helmets Required took a field trip to ------- Wisconsin!!  That was uber exciting for Spark who had never been there.  I asked if he thought we needed a passport and that got him even more excited (yes, he knows Wisconsin is in the U.S.)  Before heading over the boarder we stopped for snacks which were enjoyed in this huge Adirondack chair. 
In Wisconsin we hiked and geocached in a state park. 


Their tummies called them to lunch at this great ice cream and pizza shop - which had their heads spinning?!

When we planned this field trip it included a boat ride on the river, however,
the government shut down put the kibosh our excursion.
We did enjoy hiking and climbing up, down, through, in and over basalt rocks.


1 comment:

  1. Love it. Helmets required rocks. When can we plan an international trip?? ;)
