
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Duo Thirteens

Spark and a girl in our homeschool co-op both turned 13 this year so they hatched a plan to have a duo birthday.  The date was half way in between their birthdays and it just happen to work out perfectly on a Saturday.

Our families got together to have supper and gift opening.  Dancer got her a One Direction t-shirt, her and Dancer can spend hours talking about "the boys". 

Spark got a Duck Dynasty trivia game, which after we played it, realized we haven't been paying very close attention when we watch the show.

Ice cream cake.

Between the two of them they left one candle but, they were so fast to blow it out I missed the photo op.  The rest of the night was playing games and a sleep over.  The birthday girls uncle, they have a big family, is a good friend of Spark's from co-op so he was here too.

We blew up a few balloon to add to the festivities and found out that in the static electricity producing month of November, they stick to the cats.  The cats would walk by one and it would latch right on.

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