
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Lego Day

Helmets Required had a Lego day and what better way to start than with a plate of Lego brownies.  We used the M&Ms from the Halloween stash so we had a few different sizes.  Spark said the peanut ones could be Duplos. 

They made these Lego heads out of baby food jars. 

The kids had four quests and all the ideas came from here.  The ones we chose were:
 Two cup challenge - scoop two cup of Legos out of the bin and build something with just those bricks.
How tall can you build a tower until it tips over - this idea may have come from somewhere else. 

Natural disaster - Squidward in a tidal wave.
Self portrait - Spark made himself shoveling poo and he even has the plaid shirt just like his.

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