
Monday, November 11, 2013

Veteran's Day

I don't think in my life I have ever celebrated or done anything for Veteran's Day but, this year we finally did and hope to make it a tradition.  Our co-op made a dinner for a veteran at their church, (lasagna, garlic bread and cookies) so they could come home from work and have dinner done for them.  Yes, the veteran had to work today.  It would be nice if all veterans got the day off, and everyone else worked, not just those who happen to work at one of the places who give the day off. 

One of the families in our group know a military person who is being deployed and we made him a box or goodies.  He asked for bible verses on cards that he can slip in his pocket to be included in the box.  The kids picked out their favorites and in just a short time we made a pretty sizable pack of them. 

Happy Veteran's Day to my Dad who is a WWII Marine veteran.

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