
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Three Day Christmas

The tree with all the gifts.  Notice there are no ornaments on the bottom branches of the tree, that is because of the cats.  They did get a few off the top of the tree but we are going with 'don't ask, don't tell.'  I think I will like them better that way.  They also started to rip open the presents.  Those thugs.

My cuties.  They are sitting so nice by each other.

Spark passed out the gifts.  We opened on Monday night so that Dad, who had to work the holiday,  could have one night to celebrate with us.  We use to open on Christmas morning when he worked, but it was rushed and he would open his gifts and go right to bed without a chance to enjoy them.

Dancer got butter!  (She really got gum)

This is a tradition started by Dad's family.  Set out a paper bag and after you open your gift you ball up the paper and go for a two pointer.
The Christmas puzzle 

The furnace went out and we got a new blower fan on Christmas Eve!!!  Just what we wanted!!!  Actually, we were thankful it didn't burn the house down or ruin the rest of the furnace.  The heat from the faulty motor could be felt a couple of feet from the furnace and the fix-it guy said we called him just in time.  Just in time to not freeze to death on Christmas.  Amazing to me is that it happened before Dad went to bed and I didn't have to deal with the guy by myself.   

The days were filled with Kismet, minions, 

and video games.  We also played hours of Mario Kart.
Just like the cookies, Christmas 2013 is done. 


  1. Merry Christmas! You're tree is familiar to me, as are your pre-ripped presents. We had that too. :o)

    It must be hard to go for the two pointer once the bag gets full!

    Peace and Laughter into the New Year!

  2. Well, I don't love the part about the furnace going out. You really can't pull a Tim about that. But I like all the rest of the stuff!
