
Friday, January 17, 2014

Happy 17 Dancer!!

We started celebrating on Sunday because that is when all of us going out worked into the schedule.  Started at Old Chicago.

Meet Grandma and went to Cherry Berry for frozen yogurt treats.
On her birthday we celebrated before Dad went to bed, hence why she looks like she just got up because she did.  She was showered with gifts of Dr. Pepper, Just Dance 2014, nail polish, a computer (she needed one but it just happened to coincide with her birthday so it ended up getting tacked on to the birthday gift list) and a new phone with texting! 

We ate cheese cake and ice cream for breakfast. 
In the afternoon Dancer, Spark and I went to the movie the "Secret Life of Walter Mitty."  It has always been our tradition to go to a movie on our birthdays but, the last few years there hasn't been anything out she wanted to see so we were excited to resurrect that tradition this year. 
We picked up pizza for supper on the way home, had cheese cake again before bed and she was 17!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Dancer! Wow, the years just fly by, don't they!

    Peace and Laughter!
