
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Taylors Falls and Somewhere In Wisconsin

Helmets Required went to Taylors Falls last year with the purpose to ride the boat on the river.  However, our dreams were dashed when we realized that the government shut down included the water that boats float on.  So back we went to ride the Taylors Falls Queen.

Didn't take a picture of the boat, only the scenes we enjoyed.

Next we were off to find this waterfall that was somewhere in Wisconsin that I can not remember the name of.

Spark standing behind the waterfalls.

Picnic tables?  The mosquitoes were so bad we danced the whole time we were there.

From the bottom of the waterfall to the top of the entry.  

This is just half way back up the stairs, but thankfully there were stairs and not an 85 degree dirt path.

1 comment:

  1. lovely pictures of a nice day but not envying you the bug biters.
