
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Happy 14th Birthday Spark!!!

He could hardly wait to open his gifts so he tore into them as soon as he got up.  Dancer gave him the big boxes of Raisin Bran and Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  We don't have boxed cereal very often so he was super excited to get them.  He also got a pair of wind pants, a video game and a Zelda book.

Marble birthday cake.

Grandma Shirley and Grandpa Bob came for lunch.  We had his favorite potato and corn soup.

His bed is really in bad shape so Grandma Pat and Grandpa Jerry got him a new bed.  A bed in a box.  Opening this thing was the crazy.  The mattress is rolled up in this box.  It took five of us to get it out and we laughed like mad men.

You unroll it and then take it out of its bag.  After it lays on the floor for a while, it puffs up into a mattress.

All I can say is that it is amazing what they can get into a box!

We finished off the birthday with a non fire and hot dogs.  

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