
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

June is dairy month

To celebrate dairy month the 4-H club gave free root beer floats to everyone who came into the grocery store. The store donated the ice cream and we just had to buy the root beer and the cups. The kids set up right inside the front door. You can see by the picture that the store is very crowded with merchandise. It is about 1000 square feet but they have just about anything you would ever need to buy and even have a meat counter. Every aisle is so full of displays that only one cart, the small narrow ones, can get down a aisle at a time so if someone else is already in the aisle you have to wait your turn. I think it is more jam packed than a flea market. They also don't have the equipment to scan the UPC codes so everything has a price tag on it. It is a fun place to go and we appreciate it when we need to pick up a few thing. We don't do our big shopping there but if you do, they bag it and carry it out to your car. I hadn't seen that kind of service since I was a kid.


  1. Come visit my grocery store. I love root beer floats. ;)

    How can I get a 4-H program started at my high school? Or is it only for younger grades?

  2. 4-H is run through the county extention office, just give them a call, and it is for grades kindergarten through one year out of highschool.
