
Saturday, June 6, 2009

Rain, Glorious Rain

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Rain on the roof
Reminds me of you
Drip, Drip, Drip

Would you believe my mom taught me that little ditty when I was a kid? Of course, she didn't mean me!

We are being blessed today with a long awaited rain. The lawn is already dead, the garden is requiring daily waterings and everything is dusty, but today, all that could be changing. Only a quarter of an inch has fallen so far but we are happy with any amount at this point. The forecast is for a few days of rain so hopefully it stays together over us. It seems lately that a storm will come up and then fall apart right when it gets to our part of the state. It is also cold, a high of 48 degrees, but if we look on the positive side we haven't had to turn the air conditioning on yet.

We went to a goat show this afternoon. It was interesting to see them show the goats, we had never been to a show before, but it was really hard to hear what the judge was saying he liked and what he didn't. We wanted to see Saanens but today was mostly La Manchas and Nubians. It is a two day show so other breeds must come tomorrow but we won't go back tomorrow. The way the judge looks them over and makes them strut back and forth it made me think of a Miss America pageant for goats.

We went to the Walmart in the town where the show was. Walmart has the yogurt we like for the best price, so any time we are near a Super Walmart we stop in to get some. This store is over 30 miles from our house but we ran into some one we knew and had a nice visit in the meat department. It seems like no matter where we go, no matter how far away from our house, we bump into some one we know. I wonder if that happened to the person that wrote the song "It's a Small World" and it prompted them to write a song about it.

Spark had a quarter burning a hole in his pocket and he got a gooey, glow in the dark eye ball out of one of those vending machines that dispenses those little plastic containers of junk. He is thrilled with it and has had hours of fun so far grossing us out. He has been calling the whole trip and day a success because he got that eye ball. When I find that thing stuck in the carpet that will be the end of it.


  1. Eyeballs in the carpet. What next?

  2. We are having daily rain! We have pictures of water between our garden rows, like puddles. I wish I could send you some of it.
