
Thursday, June 4, 2009

Three rhubarb recipes

The mantra for gardeners seems to be that you can't waste a single thing from the garden. That being said, we had some rhubarb that didn't sell at the farmers' market yesterday to use.

Dancer made a pan of these yummy bars. We just got the recipe yesterday morning from a friend and were excited to try them. They turned out so good we ate almost the whole pan. The bottom of these bars are darker because I only had hard red whole wheat flour on hand. If I had had any white flour it would had a more regular pie colored crust bottom.

Rhubarb Dream Bars
Blend together:
1 C. flour
1/2 C. butter
5 tbsp. powdered sugar

Press into a 8x8 pan and bake 15 minutes at 350 degrees

Mix together:

2 eggs
1/4 C. flour
1 1/2 C. sugar
3/4 tsp. salt
2 C. rhubarb chopped

Spoon over crust and bake for 40 minutes

Spark and I made two jars of jam. This is recipe a I just made up with what I had on hand but it turned out so good the kids were eating it with a spoon out of the jar.

Rhubarb Jam
5 C. chopped rhubarb
4 C. sugar
2 chopped apples
1 package Sure Jell

Boil rhubarb, sugar and apple together until apple is soft, about 10 minutes depending on how small the apple pieces are cut. Mash with a potato masher. Add box of Sure Jell and boil one more minute. Pour into jars and freeze. Leave a bit of room at the top of the jar for expansion when it freezes.

This next recipe I made for Dad to take to work tonight. Nurses who work all night deserve a treat now and again. This recipe is a tried and true that we have made it many, many times and it always gets rave reviews. That is how we got the recipe in the first place, it was brought to a pot luck and we asked for the recipe so round and round it goes. Not a great picture of the crisp but since it was going with to work I didn't want to cut into it.

Rhubarb Crisp - also works for apples
Rhubarb diced - fill 3/4 of an 8x8 pan
Shake over rhubarb 1 cup of sugar and a tbsp. of flour.

1/2 c. flour
1/2 c. brown sugar
1/2 stick butter melted
1/2 c. oatmeal

Mix together and crumble over rhubarb. Bake until top is golden brown and fruit bubbles. Double amounts for a 9x13 pan.

1 comment:

  1. Popped in to say "hi."

    Just as soon as our rhubarb is ready I will be printing your recipes out. We're in the foothills and had frost Sunday night!

    Also enjoyed your egg post and the duck with her brood :)
