
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Perfect Day

We had the most perfect summer day today. We did a bit of gardening early this afternoon and temps were cool, it was cloudy and there were no bugs. When we got done we decided to go to the beach. We called up some friends, who have kids the same age as ours, and they were free for the afternoon to join us. The sun came out as we were getting ready to go. At the beach the temps were perfect, there was no wind and there were so few people there it was almost like our own private beach. The kids played and we visited for three hours. We came home and made what Spark called a quality dinner. We had steaks on the grill that we had the good luck of finding in the clearance section of the meat department marked way down or we wouldn't have been having steak. We also had corn on the cob and creamed cucumbers. After dinner we went outside to do a bit of lawn mowing and other chores just as the sun went behind a cloud and made it perfect to do some work. I could get use to days like this real fast.

1 comment:

  1. Lucky! My mom's making me clean my room, and I don't want to. So I'm kind of not. :)
