
Saturday, August 8, 2009

Mom's Peanut Butter Cookie recipe

My mother, I am sure, has made more than a thousand batches of these cookies over 50 plus years of marriage. They are my dad's favorite and were ever present in the cookie jar that adorns their counter top. If he was home, before he went to bed he would sit at the table, have a glass of milk and two cookies. If he was working, he was conductor for the BN which took him away from home for a few days at a time, she would pack them in his lunch. Now my mother suffers dementia and always thinks that he has just eaten the last cookie and she needs to make more. Sadly, Mom's baking days are behind her so he has not had these cookies for a few years. They came to visit this week so for a treat for him I made him up a batch to send home with them. I am sure mine didn't compare to my mothers but he seemed happy to have them just the same.

Mom's Peanut Butter Cookies

1/2 C. white sugar
1/2 C. brown sugar
1/2 C. shortening
1 egg
1/2 C. peanut butter
1 1/2 C. flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt

Cream sugar and shortening. Add egg and peanut butter. Stir well and if you want coconut this the time to add it. Add flour, soda, baking soda and salt. Form ball shapes on a spoon and put on baking sheet. Cross the balls with a fork. Bake 350 degrees about 9 -13 minutes.

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