
Friday, August 28, 2009

They just want to play

The kids were fortunate that they were able to have another brother/sister duo over today. Since we live a long way from everything, and it seems our friends live a long way from everything in other directions, it is quite a feat to get to have friends over. Usually we see them at events. Today though the other kids mother was passing through our town and back on her way to a meeting and when that happens we usually will call and see if the other family is free for the day. When they called last night she gave all kind of ideas that they could do today. They can just play I told her. She seemed beside herself with this thought. Today when they came the kids played some Wii, made Shrinky Dinks, took out all the rabbits, had Dancer's goat out and a few other little things. The mom came and we chatted for a while. When they were leaving I said how great this was and we should try harder to get the kids together. Yes, she says, maybe we could do art or science or something. Or maybe they could just play. We have tried to get together with other homeschool families too that all want their kids doing something will count for class. Why is so hard for some homeschoolers to just let their kids play with friends?

1 comment:

  1. AMEN! We deal with this same thing. I think homeschool parents are HUGE over-achievers by nature, and some of us find it harder to let go than others. We've also had grandparents tell us family vacations can "count" for school, and I sometimes will point out that there's no homeschool hall monitor keeping score. Enjoy your kids! If we lived closer we'd come play with the goat! ~God Bless!~
