
Thursday, September 3, 2009

H1N1 will not damper our plans

The kids have been counting down the weeks, then the days and now the hours until we leave for the state fair. Then on the news tonight there was a story about how a 100 4-H's were sent home because of the H1N1 flu. After checking the computer, because we missed the first half of the report, we found a letter from 4-H telling us about the kids already there and how they are protecting everyone who comes for the rest of the judging. Their precautions are stringent enough for this over protective, germ phobic mom to consider that we might still go.

After some discussion, we assume this is going to become an on going dilemma as winter approaches and we decide that we will go. We will be armed with hand sanitizer and the kids have strict instructions not to touch their faces so we hope we will stave off the flu.

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