
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Silver Dollar City

Silver Dollar City was the main thing that we wanted to do while in Branson. The tickets were worth every cent we spent on them including the crazy, high pressure time share presentation we sat through to get them at half price. It was Harvest Festival and they had a lot of great demonstrations of barrel making, broom making, blacksmithing, glass blowing, sorghum making, and others but these are the ones I can remember right off the top of my head. There was a big homestead barnyard set up and of course, the kids first thing, ran over to the goats to pet them. We have goats 50 feet out our back door but yet we drive over 700 miles and they have to pet the goats. They also checked out all the chickens and ducks.
Dancer tried her hand at milking the cow. Not quite the same as a goat, the cow has double the equipment down there! This was fun. They sat in this big old rocking chair. It reminded me of when they were little and they would want to share the same chair.

The spot we ate lunch at looked out at this waterfall. It is so perfect I think it almost looks fake in this picture.

The kids went to this attraction where there was a building that had water guns positioned along it facing a ship which also had water guns on it so that people on each of the structures could shoot water at each other. The sign said:
And they did! They met some other kids there (I think the only other kids in the park who's parents would let them get wet) and had a water fight. All of them were drenched to the skin. This was the end of the first day when it was still warm out. They spent the rest of the day wet, which they didn't seem to mind, and were still damp when we got back to where we were staying.

The next morning we arrived bright and early because we knew we would need the whole day to cover everything we wanted to do. The kids rode all the rides, some of them a couple of times. The temps were in the 50's, which everyone there thought was cold, but to us it was business as usual. There wasn't hardly anyone at the rides when we were there so for most part there was no waiting and they got ride on them several times.
Even I tried out a ride, which is a big deal for me since I can't read for a minute in the car without feeling woozy. The only ride I would even come close to getting on was this huge ship that lazily rocked back and forth. It didn't seem to terrifying but most of the ride I had my eyes closed and by the time it was over I was more than ready to get off. I was fine going backward but coming forward made me oh so sick. Plus I made sure I sat right in the middle of it, I can't imagine how it would have been at the ends!

We saw several wonderful shows, Cajun Connection, Bradford Trio, Pure Heart, Headin' West, GAC Nights and Wings Over Missouri. The Wings Over Missouri show featured 11 birds, that were native to Missouri, in an outdoor theatre where the birds flew just inches over our heads. It was amazing!
The kids sitting in a huge Horn of Plenty

We also enjoyed lots of great food, a fudge covered funnel cake was probably the best thing we ate. The kids toured the cave, we rode the train twice, tasted sorghum, played in this gigantic ball pit/climbing structure, checked out a lot of the shops and numerous other things. We could have easily spent another day there, but sadly, we only had a two day pass. It will give them something to look forward to if we ever go again. Grandma only lives an hour and half from here in the winter so it is possible that we could.

1 comment:

  1. That looks SO fun. I have heard every one who has been there say it is SO worth it. I would love to have one of those huge rocking chairs on my porch...well, maybe my yard. I"m not sure it would fit on my porch.
