
Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Christmas Picture

The Christmas picture is done. And it ended up being easy this year despite it's late coming. We put off taking a picture because November was so mild and we wanted it taken in the snow. Then the snow came but the temperatures were way to cold, it is hard to smile in below zero wind chills. It was looking like we were going to just have the kids sit in front of the tree but finally every thing fell into place.

Dad took a couple hay bales and set them up where there was a bit of a view in the back. Nikki got her pretty pink coat on and Eeyore came out of the barn. This was probably the hardest part because he hates the snow and coldness of winter so he had to be drug over the snow to where the kids were sitting. Once he saw Dancer was waiting for him he ran right over to be by her (she bottle fed him since day one and he thinks she is his mom). The kids sat down, as an added bonus the cat jumped up and walked back and forth. We snapped about 20 pictures and got one good one. We were working with children and animals so we were quite please that four out of five of them were looking.

Off to Walmart to print them out. No waiting at the picture kiosk, that is amazing in and of it's self. They had envelopes that fit the pictures, another amazing event.

Brought them home, addressed the envelopes, stuffed them, took turns licking the envelopes horrid tasting flaps, stuck the stamps on and now they are in mailbox waiting to be whisked off to all our friends and relatives just waiting to see pictures of our kids. Actually, I don't know if people like the pictures or not. Except for one lady, who is not our card list anymore, who told me that she just throws the pictures away because why would she want a picture of someone else's kids. I love to get the picture cards. I keep the ones from year to year in our Christmas boxes and compare how the kids have changed over the years.

This years fabulous picture is as shown above in our heading.

1 comment:

  1. The picture came out great! It makes me wish we had some barnyard animals to take pictures with. Almost. I know how many more pictures it would take to get three kids plus animals to all look good at the same time!

    Peace and Laughter!
