
Friday, January 1, 2010

The New Year Eve Bash

Crab legs are the traditional meal we have on New Year's Eve on the years that Dad doesn't work and this year was no different. Except for Dancer, who decided this year out of the blue that she doesn't like crab. Whatever. She had leftover chicken and mashed potatoes.

Then we move on to the movie watching. First up was The Princess and Goblins. We had not watched that one for years and it brought back sweet memories of when Dancer was little and watched it so many time we could all recite it.

Movie watching was paused to watch the ball drop. Since we are in the central time zone we can watch it at 11:00 and again at 12:00.

Dad popped the cork on some bubbly apple and cherry cider

I missed the initial gush of cider.

but Spark took care of the over flow. We found out that none of us are really fans of carbonated juice. I think I will try and make jello or something out of it.
Next movie, The Master of Disguise. That movie has so many good lines in it. By then, I was done for and went to bed, but the rest of them stayed up until 4:00 a.m. watching Hercules.

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