
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Second Christmas Celebration

This afternoon we were planning on celebrating Christmas with Dad's mom and dad but the day didn't start out so well. Spark complained of a sore throat last night so we gave him something for it and off he went to bed. This morning he got up, had breakfast and went back to bed. He slept for a few more hours, laid in bed for a few more hours and finally made a bed on the couch to be by us. It was 3:00 p.m. before he even wanted the t.v. on. Not a good sign when a kid doesn't even want to watch t.v. Grandma and Grandpa were due to arrive about 4:30 so at 4:00 he got himself up and now has been up ever since. It is painfully obvious though that he feels like dirt. May another good night of sleep have him feeling better in the morning.

Grandma and Grandpa did come and we had a wonderful time. Our tradition with them is to have Aebleskiver and sausages. You can read more about how we make aebleskvier here from our last years post.

Spark was beside himself to open the gifts but we did get him and Dancer to sit down for a moment in front of the tree and snap a picture. Grandma, as always, brings tons of presents.

Dancer got some socks and bracelets that came in these plastic orbs. For the life of her she could not get them open. Here she is before she got frustrated and recruited Dad to try his hand at breaking into the ball. He had a hard time too and we all had a good laugh over these super sealed socks and bracelets!
We have lots of snow forecasted here for at least the next five days. It started in tonight snowing and blowing so Grandma and Grandpa didn't stay too late before they headed back into town. We wanted to get a picture of them, Dad and the kids but with the excitement over the weather we didn't think of it until they were already gone. Darn!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like such a fun visit!

    Merry Christmas to your family. :)
