
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

50 States Project

Our homeschool group consists of about 200 families. When someone wants to do a project they just send out an email and see if anyone is interested. Thankfully other families do this because I do not think to involve others in our projects and holidays, we just sort of plod along by ourselves. Opening my home to numerous people, a Valentine Party for example, is not one of my strong points where others love to entertain. I am very grateful to those folks. There are so many activities that a homeschooler could be busy every single day and still not partake in every opportunity. Because there are so many events we need to be good stewards with our time and stay focused on our education long term goals when we choose what to get involved in.

An email came through for a 50 states project that a family was doing and it caught our eye. An added bonus is that we know a lot of the kids that also signed up so it will a social outing as well. Each student is suppose to choose a state and then make a poster about that state. We will then meet and if there are enough kids they can just go around and look at all the poster. If there isn't a lot of kids then they will present them one by one and we will do it as a group. Sounds fun either way.

Dancer chose Arkansas since that is where Grandma and Grandpa live and she has been there multiple times. Her poster is drawn out like a map with all the adjoining states on the sides and colored different colors. She listed state facts, such as the state grain is rice and Arkansas was the 25th state to join the union. Another area is random facts such as Arkansas means "South Wind" in Quapaws and there once was a law where it was unlawful to blindfold cows on public roads. She wrote about the symbolism of the flag, the University of Arkansas mascot, and large corporations that are based out of Arkansas. She also listed some famous people who hail from Arkansas, a few are Bill and Hillary Clinton, Johnny Cash, Maya Angelou and Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar.

Spark chose Idaho, he has it all planned out in his head we just need to get it from his head onto a poster.

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