
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Every journey ends with just one step

Spark and I are finished with our walking goal! Three hundred miles in less than three months. When we started I had my doubts about us finishing it by February first, we started the 7th of November and we picked what seemed a daunting goal, but here we are!

We wanted to walk our last mile together and I sure wish we had gotten this far last week when the temps were in the 30's. Today was below zero and walking back was into the wind. With the melting of last week frozen on sidewalks that weren't shoveled, the walk was hazardous making Spark take a tumble on the ice. He got right up and kept on going, what a trooper. Dancer waited in the car for us and then snapped a picture of our last step. To celebrate our finish Spark and I are going bowling and out to lunch at Subway tomorrow.

Next challenge will be all of us walking 400 miles by April 1st.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! That's quite an accomplishment in our climate. :)
