
Monday, January 4, 2010

"Uh, Not Exactly"

Spark has a habit of slipping away from the family group and doing his own thing, especially if there is schoolwork or chores to be done. A few days ago we noticed that Spark had, once again, slipped away from the family unit. A quick search found him in the basement playing video games.

We told Spark that he is not going to spend his Christmas vacation alone in the basement playing video games. A quick translation of that would be "he is not going to spend his Christmas vacation alone in the basement playing video games". Spark's translation was "find a different place to hide and play video games."

Within hours of the decree Spark had set up his new video control room. He located a small TV in a storage area in the basement and some A/V cables. Voila! the "boy cave." Note the TV on the dresser, the old Game Cube console in the now empty sock drawer, a kitchen stool for his perch, a little, green, Fisher Price person and... a yak jaw? We don't bother to ask anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Well he gets points for resourcefulness, doesn't he? :o)

    Your translation made me LOL! Our computers are in the main area of the house, and since it's a small house (one floor), there is nowhere to hide.

    Peace and Laughter,
