
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Homemade black berry syrup

We were so fortunate to get 16 six ounce containers of beautiful, big, sweet black berries at a grocery store that was closing them out. Only $5.00 for all of them, about 30 cents a pack! That is an incredible, unbelievable price. They are right at the end of their ripeness so they need to be used in the next couple of days. This morning Dad made two of the containers into black berry syrup.

He put them in a bowl with a little bit of water and microwaved until the berries were plump. Then he put them in a pot with a bit of sugar and cooked them until they reduced into a syrup. I can not even describe how good it was. We ladled it generously over pancakes and savored every bite. Dancer took a picture of her plate. Oh, I wish we ate like this every morning!

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