
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Plan B - Wii Fit Plus

You may have noticed a mileage counter on the right side of the blog. This counts miles walked in our families current fitness challenge. The new challenge has just started, unfortunately the treadmill has just stopped. The machine is too large to move out of the house assembled and is pretty heavy too. I doubt we can get it serviced for a price that won't make me wince with pain. What we need are some other ways to work towards the goal.

Today we walked at a shopping mall. One nice thing about this is we can all do it simultaneously. A drawback is that it takes a lot of trips around the mall to make a mile. The mall also 20 miles away.

Tomorrow we we will try using the Wii Fit and a pedometer to get some distance in. Unfortunately, it won't be nice enough to walk or bike outside for at least two months. Wish us luck.


  1. So sorry your treadmill is out of op!

    We used to walk at our mall, but I had to stop when I kept shopping, too.

    We just ordered a Wii and ordered the SA Sports software. I can't wait for it to arrive and try it out! :)

  2. I don't know if they still do it, but our mall used to open before the stores so that a mall walking group could use it. They got their exercise and they weren't tempted to buy anything.

    It's too bad the treadmill broke. It is hard to get in walking in the winter. I do have to say you've inspired me to get in some more walking as well. It's an activity I've always enjoyed and haven't done a lot since moving out of the city.

    Peace and Laughter!
