
Friday, March 5, 2010


We haven't done anything fun, except for our usual fun activities, for a long time so we thought we were over due for something out of the ordinary.

Yesterday, when we went to town for Dancer's dance class, we only dropped books off at the library but didn't have time to go in and look around. The kids expect to have a huge supply of new books every week so this was a big deal to them that they missed a library day. So this afternoon we told them that we would take them to the library one town over from us. What we really planned was to go up the road a ways to a Super Walmart. Yes, sadly a trip to that store is a big deal to us. Well, it is to them anyway. I am not much of a shopper and so I don't do anymore of it than I have to. I like to run in and run out whereas they like to look around.

So we get in the car, library bag at the ready. We get into town where we would normally turn to go to the library and I said to Dad "you missed the turn." Sounding surprised he said "We can just get off at the exit and go that way." The kids didn't say anything. We get onto the freeway and when we get to the exit he drives right by. Again we go through the missed the turn dialog. We will go to the next exit and take the frontage road back. We missed the next exit too. Now Spark is getting excited because how can you miss the turn three times?! At the next exit we decide we will get off. Dad was driving too fast and missed the exit. Next exit we didn't take because we just weren't sure where the frontage road might be. Now even Dancer is getting a little excited because of course we know where the frontage road is. Well, now we might as well go to the town we were planning on taking them to. They don't know this and think we are just going daft and can't find our way around.

When we got there we saw a car with license plates from Texas. Dancer commented that they were a long way from home. Without missing a beat and dead serious Spark says "maybe they forgot to turn too."

That town does have a library branch in it so they did get to go to the library this week. It is the coolest library in the system too. It is an old historic building and they have it set up so cozy with actual furniture. The library we usually go to is trying to be ultra modern and the furniture, while it looks cool, couldn't be more uncomfortable.

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