
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Day

This is Dad's weekend to work so our Easter was enhanced by him getting put on call last night and therefore being able to spend most of the day with us. I am not good at making the holidays very exciting when it is just me and the kids when Dad works. I know I should because it is a fact of life for us that he will work every other holiday. I know that mobs of single parents are able to do it, I just am not.

The kids got up this morning and found a ton of eggs that were hidden around the house. I still don't know if they found them all. We got the kids the cutest Peter Rabbit chocolate bunnies. They are so cute it will be a shame to eat them.

We went to church where we had a fantastic sermon. A bonus was the Dad and Spark were ushers. Spark was so excited about this that he talked about it all week. When they were taking the offering he was smiling so big. They are ushers next week too and he says it will be even better because now he is all trained in.

Thinking that Dad would be working I didn't make any meal plans. When he gets up before work he isn't very hungry so it doesn't make much sense to make a big dinner, have him not eat much and put most of it back into the fridge. We went to lunch at a supper club in a little town near us. Without reservations (when you are the only supper club for miles you are successful even if your club is located in a town that has three streets) we didn't know if we could get in but they had a table available near the bar area. The hostess asked if we minded sitting at a tall table and Spark pumps his arm down and says "YES!!!" I guess we didn't mind. They serve a buffet like you would have at a wedding and it was very good. Very good that I didn't have to cook or clean up.

The afternoon was so nice that we were outside for most of it. I clean a few flowers in the flower beds and gave them a splash of water, it has been really dry that I thought they need a boost. The kids played catch to prepare for homeschool baseball that starts Wednesday.

Dad went to bed and Dancer and I made stuffed peppers for supper. After Dad left for work we walked up to the neighbors to check on their dog. They are gone for the week and we are suppose to feed it. I wanted to go up and talk with it in it's kennel once before we let it out tomorrow. I am nervous about it not coming back once we let it out. They said don't worry if it won't go in it's kennel but I know I will. I would hate for anything to happen to it on our watch.

Tonight we are watching Sound of Music. Spark says "this movie is so good that you can just start watching it at any time and it is still good." It probably helps that we have seen it so many times.

Only thing left to do is chores but we will wait until it is dark out to put the goats in the barn.

Happy Easter everyone!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a lovely day! Us too. Happy Easter!

    Peace and Laughter,
