
Saturday, May 1, 2010


I hate clutter and I hate junk, however, we seem to have a plethora of stuff. When we moved to our current house, we thought that we may still have a few more kids. That, obviously, didn't happen. I saved, or so it sure seems now, everything baby and toddler. Another problem we have encountered was when we moved into our house it was very busy time in our lives. We only moved 25 minutes from our last home so we didn't start over with a new life here, we just drove a lot. Dad was also working extra hours then and things got pushed aside. Our old house sold really fast, 12 days from putting the for sale sign up and us having a signed purchase agreement in hand. We thought we were going to have more time to get rid of things before we moved but since that didn't happen we moved a lot of mess with us. All the boxes were put into the garages and sheds and we slowly brought in what we thought we needed for the short term. I liked the house rather empty so we never got around to unpacking a lot of those boxes. Over the years the house has been filling in little by little to where it is full and we still have garages full of boxes. What we have ended up with is a huge storage unit with a mortgage.

Next weekend our 4-H club is having a garage sale that is the same weekend of the city wide garage sales. People come to our little corner of the world from near and far to see if they can't snap up a good deal. To prepare for this, we spent the afternoon in one of the garages and went through a good portion of the boxes and either boxed it back up for the sale or threw it away. Actually with the size garbage can we have it is going to take a few weeks to throw it all away. We did take two van loads and a truck load of treasures over to the peoples house who are hosting the garage sale. We are not done yet, I hope to do some more purging during the week and getting that on the sale as well.

The barn was also downsized today. We went from 15 goats to eight! It sure seemed quiet out there tonight when we were doing chores.

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck with the downsizing. It feels awesome to declutter.

    I am also not one for clutter and junk. It seems as of late that is what is happening and it is driving me crazy!
