
Friday, June 11, 2010

Homeschool park days

Every Thursday in the summer homeschoolers meet at different park for the kids to get together.   We are trying to make a lot of these days since Dancer isn't dancing three days a week like she did last summer and our summer isn't going to be so crazy.  Today it was at a park that has a huge splash pad.  Spark was so looking forward to it but them temps were in the low 60's and it was drizzling.  Instead of swimsuits we all stood around wearing sweatshirts and coats.  The kids still had a good time. 

There are a few older girls who go so Dancer does like to go but mostly it is for Spark.  All of our activities use to be for Dancer and Spark would just tag along with.  I made great effort to get her together with other girls her age and find things that would be fun for her.  Because of the effort that I put into making these connections the last six years, my good homeschooling mom friends are mothers of girls who are around 13 years old.  A couple of them have younger boys Sparks age, but for the most part it is all girls.  It is fun chatting with moms of little kids again.  They talk about breast feeding, getting the kids to bed and their bossy three year olds, things that have been off my radar for a few years. 

After the park it was way past lunch time so we grabbed a quick burger at Wendy's and headed to the downtown library since we were so close.  The kids need to start kicking it into high gear to work on 4-H projects so we got a few books to get started on a couple.  The fair is the end of July but I can not stand for things to be the last minute so they are doing the bulk of them now. 

Next we were off to find gold cording to make Egyptian head pieces for Vacation Bible School.  I made one out of gold yarn but it looked more like a milk maid hat than a royal headdress so I needed something else to make them out of.  Surprisingly we found a gold cord, that I hope will work right away, at the first place we looked.  That was a pleasant surprise. 

We needed to swing by the library we usually go to pick up two books we had requested.  Dad loves Alton Brown on the food network and he had ordered two of his cook books.  The request was expiring tomorrow so if we didn't get them today they would have been put back out on the shelves. 

I had hoped to grocery shop as well but we were out of time because we talked so long at the park.  It was almost 5 o'clock and we needed to get home to make supper and get Dad up by 5:45.  With a half hour drive home there was no time to stop.  We got home in time to make pancakes for Dad before work. 

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