
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

It's crunch time

It has turned into 4-H Central around here, the fair is in two weeks and the kids still have lots of projects to get completed.  You may be thinking that two weeks is plenty of time but I don't work well under pressure, I get crabby under pressure but that is about all.  We have been spending our time researching, typing and printing, pasting, painting, paper macheing, spray painting, crocheting and cooking it seems non stop for the last few days.  We haven't made any attempt yet at getting out the sewing machine for Dancer to make a skirt.  The fabric has been bought and washed but that is as far as it got.  Spark should have his all done in the next day or two and then I can breath half a sigh of relief.  I think for Dancer some will just have to go undone.  Grandma was here for supper last night and we told her that we would be eating at what use to be our dining room table but is now our work bench.  I hope it will come clean of paint, glue and paper mache paste after we are all done.  I told Dad if they worked this hard at school work they would be done with a grade in a couple of months.

Good news of the day was that we got our milker back.  We took it in to be fixed a couple of weeks ago and they were unable to figure out what was wrong with it.  We assumed it was toast, but a couple of days ago they called and said they got it working.  It sure was nice not to milk by hand tonight.  I don't enjoy cleaning the milker but I enjoy it more than milking by hand.  The girls are going to have to start eating faster though as they are done being milked long before their corn is gone.  I think they know to gauge their eating speed with the milking speed so they will be even with the milker in no time.

We had the first green beans out of the garden for dinner.  Hamburgers on the grill and fresher than fresh green beans.  That is a meal that is hard to beat.  There are a few banana peppers out there ready to pick as well.  It is so exciting when we start getting goodies from the garden.

Now we are taking a much needed breather and watching Phantom of the Opera.  Dancer wanted to do a literary study of it this next school year, but when I saw a couple of the sample pages I didn't think she would like it near as much as she thought she would and it would end up being a disappointment.   She ordered the movie from the library, that way she gets to see it but we will do a different study this year.  Win win on both for sides.

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck with the time frame. I wish that my kids would do the same when it came to school work but it is not as fun as the other stuff.
