
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Can you say "Candy"?

We put 17 packs of popcorn on the front step before we went into town to trick or treat in case by, some far off chance, we should happen to have a trick or treater stop by.
It is amazing how many house bigger kids can go to in an hour.  When the kids were little we would go to about 15 houses and they would be tired and we would go home.  When we lived in town it took us much longer to go around our neighborhood.  The vast majority of our neighbors were over 70 and so at every house the kids would have to go in, be oohed and aahed over and have their pictures taken.  I wonder what those people ever did with all those pictures?  Many of them have died since then and I am sure their kids, most who didn't know us, looked at them and thought, why in the world do they have pictures of these kids.

Every year we go to this house.  Not only do they have more decorations than probably any one else in the free world, they give out bottles of pop and school supplies.  This year they gave out full size notebooks and folders.

 Dancer is smiling

And Spark is smiling so it must be time to go home.

They made a haul - almost 20 pounds worth!  That should keep Eeyore in candy for a year!

There were 17 packs of popcorn on the front step when we got home.  Once again no trick or treaters.

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