
Friday, December 10, 2010

Deck the Halls

We have the tree up so it looking like Christmas around our house.  It was fun to put the ornaments on the tree and talk about when we got them all.  I really like to put the ones on that the kids made when they were little.  Some of those I can still see the kids making them,  where we were and sometimes almost down to what they were wearing that day. 

We don't put up too many things after the tree.  I would love to have one of those fancy schmancy homes that you see in magazines but that just isn't us.  Our house is not a show case, we live here and it shows.  Of course, we could have a house like that but what would the cost be?  It would be a huge job to keep it looking picture perfect.  Clutter makes me a little testy and crabby and we have enough clutter with just all our school stuff.  Who wants a fancy decorated house and crabby mom?  Our tree, and some of our other decorations, are a mishmash of things we have made or love, it isn't color coordinated or the theme of the season.  We want to spend the season having fun with the kids not keeping a house looking like some HGTV set.

So if you come our house you will see a Christmas tree full of  memories that show who we are, will be offered a tasty homemade looking cookie and you may leave with a little glitter sticking to your pants but you can sit back relax while you are here. 

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