
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ambrosia - for immortal gods.

We made this for part of our Greek study.  Eating it was suppose to make the gods strong and immortal.

We made it with frozen fruit, fresh strawberries and peaches are a tad to spendy this time of year and don't look very good in the store.  Put a layer of fruit in the glass and add powdered sugar.  Coconut can also be added but none of us eat coconut.

Spark was in charge of the powdered sugar, can you tell?  This is a little too much sugar, it turned to sludge in the bottom of the glass.

Pour some orange juice over the top.  We put a lot of orange juice on ours and made it more of a drink.

Now that I look at the pictures I think we should have blended it up as a smoothie.  Our fruit was still frozen when we made it so Spark didn't even like his, he said the peaches were too cold.  Dancer and thought it was excellent, very sweet.  We made it the next day too and didn't put the sugar on, just the orange juice, and it was plenty sweet.  But that wouldn't be ambrosia then would it?  Hmmm, just make it how it sounds good to you, this really can't be messed up.

1 comment:

  1. Yum. Wonder how it would be with honey instead of sugar?
