
Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Little Bit of Sadness In Our Life

Spark went out to start the chores this morning and found that Phillip, one of Millie's new babes, had died during the night.  Spark went right away and dug a hole in the middle of the yard, not sure why the middle, for him to be buried in.  We had a few tears and words and covered him up.

While we are sad that he died we were not surprised.  He was so much smaller than his brother so we were thinking that for some reason he wasn't getting all he needed while in the womb.  He also didn't walk well and when we would have them outside he would lay down often like he was just exhausted, eating seemed to make him tired as well.  He also breathed like a little steam train engine.  We wonder if he had some sort of a heart problem and when he was born, and had to eat and breath on his own, it was just to much for him.  Whatever happened, we loved him while he was here.  I try to stress to the kids that we praise God when He brings us babies and good things and God is good and we still praise Him when He takes from us.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry to hear the news. I know how hard it is to lose a beloved animal, even if you have only had a short time to fall in love wirh it.

