
Saturday, May 7, 2011

What is left will have to wait until next year

The last week or so we have been cleaning out things that are clogging up our house to get ready for the 4-H garage sale.  Today was the garage sale so we can quit cleaning - yeah!  Every year when we have the sale I have big plans to totally go through the house and get rid of everything we don't use anymore, you know how they, the organizing zealots, say that if you haven't used in a year to get rid of it.  That is a great rule, but not very realistic for sentimental mothers.  I did do better this year and let a few more things go, all the board books, the purple rocking dinosaur, the push bike, Spark's first Halloween costume and other items that are near and dear to my heart but aren't going to make my kids little again and will just get icky and smelly with time.  We made about five trips with the van over to the garage sale sight and our house looks like we didn't get rid of anything.  Now I can start making big plans about how next year for the garage sale I am going to go through the entire house and get rid of everything we don't use anymore.

1 comment:

  1. New Follwer! Neat blog & beautiful family!!! I saw you on the Circle of Moms contest. I have 6 kiddos myself...all boys. And we homeschool as well. Feel free to check out my blog any ole time! :) God bless!
