
Friday, June 17, 2011

Amaryllas Blooms

Last year some time, probably after Christmas, I took the Amaryllis bulb out of our front window and set it by the back slider door.  There it sat in it's sad container, ignored this last Christmas, and not watered for over a year.  This spring when I put the Hibiscus plants out on the deck for the summer the threw the container with the Amaryllis out there too.  I assumed it was dead because it has sat for so long with no care but I was busy and thought I would just set it out there to get it out of the way and would deal with it later.  We had a cold and rainy spring, and now summer as well, and this Amaryllis turned in the "The Little Amaryllis That Could."  First it's top turned green, then it sent up a tall shoot and put out two flowers.  It didn't get any leaves but it it did flower!

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