
Friday, June 3, 2011

Duct Taped Chair

This is Dancer's 4-H craft project for the fair.  It is another project from the Big Ass Book of Crafts by Mark Montano.

The first thing was to find a vinyl chair.  This proved to be much more difficult than we thought it was going to be.  If this was 1977 it would have been a much easier feat.  We have been checking the Good Will and other thrift stores for months and just this week found one.  When Dad went into check at the Good Will, we have checked so often that he just runs in now and the rest of us wait in the car, he thought that again there wasn't a chair for the project.  A man was sitting and waiting in this chair for his wife to finish up shopping.  Dad looked all around and there was nothing that was going to work.  He looked around the furniture one more time thinking maybe he could find a table for Dancer to do her project with because we are starting to run out of time to get the project done.  Just then the wife came and told her husband she was ready to go and when he got up there was the perfect chair!  The chair was $4.83, I know an odd amount, there was some discount that day.    

Dancer choose five different colors of duct-tape.  We found almost every color under the sun at Home Depot.  She cut piece of tape that were about four inches long and started layering them on the chair.  To fill in some of the small spaces she cut smaller pieces until it was all covered.

The end result is really cute and the colors go together really well.  We had our doubts when she picked them out but she does have a good sense of color and what goes together.

It is a nice sturdy chair, I would love to know where it has spent the first part of it's life.  Who has sat in it, what conversations have been had in this chair, and how did it end up at the Good Will?  It will remain a mystery but it got a second chance now, and a more colorful one at that.

1 comment:

  1. That is a beautiful chair. Dancer did a great job with it!

    Peace and Laughter,
