
Friday, July 22, 2011

Split Rail Fence Quilt

This quilt was a long time in the making.  Two years ago Dancer got excited about a quilt during the fair.  So in August of 2009 we bought the fabric, cut out the strips and started sewing.  When seeing how much work this quilt is for a 12 year old she quickly fizzled.  Last year she was going to try again to get it done for the fair.  Start out strong again and quickly fizzled.  This year I told her she was going to get it done, there would be no fizzling.  It took us a couple months but it is done and ready for the fair next week. 

The quilt done and on her bed.  She said that she is never going to make another one, which I can't argue with, but she is happy that she made this one now that it is done.

Close up of the fabrics.  When she first picked these out I didn't like them or think they went together at all but now that I see them all together they work wonderfully.  She has a much better sense of what colors go together and decorating that I do so I should just listen to her.

The back of the quilt.  I finished it for her which is okay in the 4-H rules.  We got a regular size sheet and a put polar fleece on the inside.  Quilting fabric is insanely expensive for a piece the size of the back which is why we went with the sheet.  Quilt batting is also expensive and we have bins and bins of polar fleece so the choice was expensive batting or fleece we already owned.  The decision wasn't hard to make.

To finish the quilt I sewed about three full side and then both corners on the fourth.  With pink thread I sewed on each side of the pink fabric as it went across the quilt.  Then I hand sewed the rest of the fourth side by hand. 

1 comment:

  1. BRAVO!!!!!!!!!! I think you did a great job on the sewing.
