
Sunday, August 7, 2011

And Dinner

A friend asked us to join her geocaching this afternoon but we had already made plans to have Grandma Pat come for a visit.  As far as the kids are concerned she doesn't come often enough or stay long enough.  We were also looking forward to Grandma coming because she said that she was going to bring dinner with.  I love anyone who brings dinner.  Since I plan most of our meals there is something exciting about not knowing what dinner will be. 

Once she got in the door, and got settled a bit, the kids brought out Apples to Apples.  It has become a ritual that when she comes we play that game.  The only reason we don't play it the second she gets in the door is because I try to hold them back so she can at least set her purse down.  Dad won today which is a big show of him boasting.  Every time he wins a card he yells "SCORE!" and snatches the card.  His reasons why his card should be picked every round is entertaining in itself.

After the game we had the dinner Grandma brought.  Today was mixed fruit with Cool Whip and Chicken and Greek salads.  She even plans for our low carb diet, but as a treat for the kids brought them a loaf of Herb Focaccia bread.

After dinner we sat around and chatted for a while and then, as usual, she left too soon.

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