
Monday, August 1, 2011

Camper Sweet Camper

Our neighborhood, right outside the horse arena.

A huge storm made the road more than a little muddy.

The food trailer that was at the campers end of the fair.  This actually was the reason we had a camper there, the high price of fair food.

We never stayed over night but wanted a comfortable place to sit during the day with a fan and a refrigerator.  We paid for the camping spot for less than the price of what we would have paid for just drinks.  Also, if we had camped, we would have had to drive back and forth to come home to do chores and little Nikki couldn't be in the kennel all week.  If we were going to drive 35 miles home for those two reasons we might as well sleep in air conditioning in our comfy beds, with bathroom and showers near by.  The only thing we did buy during the week was the kids each had a malt from the Dairy Princess' and Spark had a donut the morning we worked in the food stand.  Total fair food bill for the week - $5.50.  Camping spot - $30.

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