
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Art Festival

We went to a near by Art Festival this afternoon and it was pretty uneventful. The Vikings did play unitl 3:00, we went after the game, so maybe that brought the numbers down.  We were too late to see any of the sidewalk performers, except a band one of our friends sings in and the tail end of a group of cloggers dancing.  We did see a few friends so we got a little chatting time in and walked around and looked at the vendors.  The prices seemed really high to me and if I am going to hang or have something handmade in my house I want it to be something that we have made ourselves.  I didn't see anyone buying anything so wonder if they will have many vendors next year.  Spark wanted to get a snack but we talked him into getting something at the grocery store that was less expensive and he would get a bigger treat.  He picked out a Fudge Crunch ice cream cup so he was happy.  A $1.25 at the store verses $5.00 for the smallest thing at the festival.

We did take a horse drawn trolley ride pulled by Socks, obviously on the right, and Snuffles on the left.  In less than a hour we had seen, done and talked to everyone and we headed out to the grocery to get Spark that treat.

Other Sunday news:
~Co-op starts on Tuesday and we just got the science book on Friday so Spark is trying to get the whole first lesson read and the journal done today. 
~We are passing a cold around.  Spark was first to get it last week, I woke up with it this morning and Dad is starting to sneeze this afternoon.
~Dancer was going to cut out the pattern for her Halloween costume and we realized that we got the wrong size.  It is Simplicity 2325 Alice in Wonderland or the Queen of Hearts size 6 - 12 so if anyone can use it let me know and I will be happy to mail it out to you completely free.
~ The kids got a soccer ball yesterday when we were shopping and Dancer had been out in the yard practicing with anyone who will kick the ball around. 
~ The agenda for the rest of the day - a little cleaning, a little laundry and a whole lot of relaxing. 

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