
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

It's Good To Be Back

We go to a church that we don't attend for AWANA.  Last year was our first year and it was sort of stressful to walk in and not know where to go or what to expect.  This year we got there and the teachers all knew Spark at the sign in table and greeted him by name.  Dancer went to her class and knew lots of the kids from her class last year, she moved up a class this year so anyone 10th grade and up was only a face to her last year.  Her class last year was huge and so this year they are about half the senior high group.  She is hesitant in new groups so it was nice she was already acquainted and familiar with people.  I always sit in the hallway/fellowship area and all the moms that it took a few months to get to know last year were back this year.  We just picked right up where we left off in the spring, it was really nice.  It is nice that most of the moms there don't homeschool so we talk about things other than homeschooling or the kids, well sometimes we talk about our kids but not related to homeschooling.  I do like to get together with other homeschoolers of course, but a change of pace is also refreshing.  We are all looking forward to next Wednesday already!

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