
Monday, March 19, 2012

Courageous Movie

A local church, the one we go to for AWANA, had dinner and a movie last night.  Dinner was pizza, can't go wrong there, and the movie was really good.  Plenty of humor, action, drama and heart string tugging to make it, in our opinion, a superb way to spend the evening.  Dad had to work so he missed out.  Dancer went on the library website and requested it but we are number 214 so we may see if we can rent it at the Redbox or just pick it up the next time we are at the store.


  1. Interested to see the movie myself but worried it might just turn into a big tear jerker since my hubby is in the same line of work as the guys in the movie. :) Glad you liked it!

  2. There are some very scary parts with the sheriffs. Big reality check on what they do for our communities.

  3. Daughter and son in law bought it for my husband for his birthday. He'd seen it at the theater and loved it. Great message. Would have been even better with pizza! :)

    Blessings, Debbie
