
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Our Walk

Still plenty of snow in the woods, but now that it has been rained on it is more like a glacier than snow.

A quarter mile hill, our calves were burning by the top. 

The neighbors picture perfect farm.  The cows were out, a sure sign of spring.  It is a Kemp's Select farm so if you drink that milk it could have come from here.

Way down at the bottom is the school bus the kids don't ride.  Two buses went by us because we are right on the school district line and of the three houses on this road one family goes to one school and another goes to the other school even though they are neighbors.  Open enrollment is very popular here so both buses cover the same area.  The other house, the farm picture above, doesn't have kids, three bachelor brothers live there.

A field with corn stubble.  I always think fields look like they need a shave in the spring. 

We walk to the stop sign and turn around.  This is one mile away from our house so we get a two mile walk in.

The half mile hill.  Yes, it really is up hill both ways just like your grandparents use to say they walked to school.  On the flip side it is also down hill both ways.  This hill isn't as steep as the other one so it feels like we just zip right up it.

Here's looking at you.  Spark making an eye shadow, always makes me think of the CBS logo.

This pond usually has something wildlifey (yes, I made that word up) going on, be it tadpoles, water fowl or cows.

Another view, there are duck nesting platforms and houses but they don't show up in the picture very well.

The only green we saw, but it's a start!  A few more days and green should be abounding from everywhere.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, some green! Gotta love that! And corn I love the look of it. :)
