
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Silhouette Plates

Dancer searched on the Internet for silhouette pictures using google images and typing in silhouette and then goat, bird etc. to find the pictures for the plates.  She enlarged it to fit the plate, which we bought at the Goodwill for 45 cents.  Tape it to the front of the plate with the picture showing through to the back of the plate and trace around it with a black Sharpie marker.

Using black acrylic paint she filled in the outline.  This took a few coats to completely cover it to where no light shown through.

She let it dry and then sprayed it with white spray paint.  Do this step outside and if you do it in your garage, which is a good idea because the door can be shut so the cats don't jump on them, then pull out the car or it too will have a new paint job.  To get good coverage she put on four coats of the spray paint and they could use at least one more.  The paint said it took 10 minutes to dry between coats but they are tacky so she will let them sit tonight and spray them again in the next day or so.

All done!  These turned out looking like something you would buy in a store. 

Since the paint is on the back of the plate they can be used for food.  If you want to wash it, it should also be sprayed with a few coats polycrylic protective finish.  Hers are only for decoration so she is skipping that step.