
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Almost The End

This time of year always brings so many last for us.  Today was our last of day of in-class co-op.  We will meet for two more field trips and a year end party/art show.  Tonight Spark already said that he can't wait for co-op next year because he is going to miss all his friends over the summer.  We figured out the other day, that of the five families in co-op, we come from four different counties with the closest family being about 13 miles from our house.  That is one drawback to homeschooling and living in the country, your friends are all a long distance phone call to talk and it is hard to get together.

The kids in art class drawing portraits of each other with soft pastel chalks.

1 comment:

  1. First time I read this, I thought you said the members of the co-op came from four different COUNTRIES. I thought WOW, what diversity we have up here! ;) I should never read blog posts before I've had my cup of coffee...
