
Friday, April 6, 2012

He Has Risen! Resurrection Rolls

These simple and delicious rolls tell the story of Jesus in the tomb and his resurrection.  Supplies needed are regular sized marshmallows, crescent rolls, butter, sugar and cinnamon. 

If you are making these as part of a lesson read John 19 while the oven is heating. 

The white marshmallow symbolizes Jesus because He is pure and white without sin.

Roll the marshmallow in butter that symbolizes the embalming oils.

Rolls the marshmallow in cinnamon and sugar to symbolize the spices used to prepare His body for burial.

Lay the marshmallow on a roll and wrap it up.  This symbolizes, at this stage, the wrapping of the burial shroud around His body.

Wrap these up well and pinch the edges so that the marshmallow doesn't leak out like ours did. 

Put them in the oven for about 11 - 13 minutes at 375 degrees or whatever the instructions are on the crescent roll package.    While the rolls are baking read John 20:1-18.

Wait a couple of minutes after they come out of the oven for the next part because the melted marshmallow is hot.  To roll away the rock at the front of the tomb break off a little chunk of the roll.  It is empty!

Jesus has risen!!!

While you are eating them read 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18. Jesus is coming again!

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