
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hit The Dusty Trail

How to ride a horse:
Step One – Mount the horse.

Step Two – Stay mounted.…

Spark on Relay


Dancer on Dancer - you can figure out which Dancer is which.

Our lovely friends who taught us horse riding 101 and then patiently helped us ride all afternoon.

Still mounted so we are calling it a success.

First the dad took the kids out on a nice slow ride.  Their kids have been riding since they were tots so they are pros at all this.  We, on the other hand, were a little stiff in the saddle as it seems a lot higher up when you are on the horse than just looking at the horse.  There is a bit of adrenaline pumping while you hope the saddle is on tight.

The mom, who is one of dad's coworkers, took me on a ride and I rode Relay.  He supposedly doesn't even need a harness on because he is such a good follower and just plods along after the other horses.  The good follower part is a true statement, the plodding part is a lie.  I thought he was running but they tell me he was just galloping - a little.  I think I should have had the terms 'galloping' and 'a little' defined before I got on him. I came back in the yard right side up and safe and sound with a smile on my face so I still think he is great horse.

We got to give them a little brushing after their saddles were off.  As soon as they returned to their corral they lay down and lavishly rolled on their backs in the dirt.  A six horses on their backs with their legs sticking straight up is quite a sight to behold.

Dad leading a horse back to the corral.  I wanted him to stop for a better picture but the horses call to each other making this one in a hurry to get back to its cohorts.  Dad didn't ride because they also invited us to stay for diner on the grill, are these great friends or what.  Dad had grill envy and he spent the whole afternoon on the porch admiring their grill.  I have been hearing about the fabulous features this grill has since before Father's Day when their dad was gifted with it.   In fact, now that I think about it more, I bet he only wanted to go over the see the grill and used the horses as a way to get the rest of us to come with.  I should have gotten a picture of him with the grill instead of a horse.


  1. Yay for you! Now you can come over and teach me!!

  2. I miss horseback riding. Glad you all had fun.

    On a completely different note, I just awarded you the One Lovely Blog Award:

    Accept it if you want, ignore it if you want, it's there for the taking if you do want it though! :)

  3. Looks like a great way to spend the day.
