
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Rosh Hashanah - Feast of Trumpets

The purpose of the Feast of Trumpets is to celebrate the Jewish New Year, God's Royalty, Day of Judgement, Remembrance and the birthday of the world.
Spark pretended to blow the shofar (trumpet), we talked about times the trumpet was blown in the bible and that the trumpet will blow when Jesus returns for the second time. 
Our shofar was made from paper.  We shaped the large brown sheets that came in our Rainbow Resource order into the shape of the shofar.  Then Spark and I covered it with paper mache.  Once it dried it looked a lot like a ram's horn so we didn't paint it except for the divot in the end and the mouth piece to give it the illusion of being hollow and really capable of sound.  We had other activities planned but time got away from us.  Instead of stressing and rushing around to try to get them in we just went with this. 
 We did make a delicious Rosh Hashanah meal.  It was honey orange chicken, velvet noodle pudding, and glazed carrots.  We were also planning on having the glazed apple cake but it was all gone before Monday and that was okay because this was a very sweet meal.  It was purposely sweet because it is to signify having a sweet new year so no sour foods are to be eaten.  The best dish was the velvet noodle pudding, the kids are already asking when we are going to be making it again.  We had also hope to try our hand at challah bread but, again, it didn't get done. 
We learned a lot, we didn't know anything about this celebration before, and now Rosh Hashanah isn't just a day that comes preprinted on the calendar. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello! Thanks for leaving a link back in your post. I have really enjoyed visiting your blog and reading many of your posts. You do lots of really interesting things. Sweet place you have here :)

    Kindly, Lorraine
