
Saturday, October 20, 2012

S'more Cookies

Dancer needed a snack to bring to a One Direction - Up All Night party.  After searching pinterest she decided on these.  Good choice, they are scrumptous!
Break graham crackers into quarters and cut marshmallows in half.  On half the grahams put a half a marshmallow and on the other half sprinkle a few chocolate chips.  With the oven on low broil, put them in and watch them very carefully, one minute they look raw and then next they are charred.  When they are the perfect meltiness put the halves together.
Dip one end of them in melted chocolate chips.  We used semi-sweet chocolate chips and wondered if they would not be sweet enough.  With the super sweetness of the marshmallow we decided that the semi-sweet was perfect.  Oddly, these are much better cold than warm, Dancer even stuck them in the freezer for a few minutes to get the chocolate to firm up.

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