
Monday, December 17, 2012

Paper Clip Angels, Beaded Candy Canes & Caroling

Some of the families from our Monday homeschool co-op went caroling at a nursing home this morning.   We got there just as a couple ambulances were pulling away so the staff said that our timing for a little cheer was well timed.  When one of the moms called to set up our time she asked if we could bring anything.  They said that the people who live there really don't get much for Christmas so even a card would be highly appreciated.  We decided that each family would bring some handmade ornaments. 

Our first ornament was these super simple paper clip angles.  The four of us, well mostly Dancer and I, sat down one night and made 50 of these in about 20 minutes.  The only reason it took us that long was that we had such a time getting the ribbon through the head bead. 

Spark took over this project of beaded candy canes.  He used the tri-shaped beads on a pipe cleaner.  Slip the beads on, fold over each end of the pipe cleaner so they can't come off and bend into the candy cane shape. 

We got a lot of smiles, don't know if it was from our singing or the ornaments!  Maybe a little of both.

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet and nice thing for you to do. I know every time we have sang at nursing homes the residents really enjoyed it. They get forgotten most of the time and it's really lonely so you are so *awesome* for bringing them a little Christmas cheer!
